Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Have you ever tried to get three 1-year-olds to smile and look like they're having fun all at once? Well, in my experience, it's been nearly impossible. All I want is one, just one, good picture for a holiday card. I tried them by themselves... and then all together. Granted, the first time it was snowing, and my little guy Attie screamed the whole time. (I think the snow scared him!) And my other two were fine... although they had their serious faces on the whole time. Just check out examples, a, b and c.

So, if you get a "Happy Holiday" card with two serious faces and one screaming one... you'll know it's from us.

In the meantime, how much does life suck when you have triplets and your fairly new washing machine decides to shit the bed? Actually, that's a rhetorical question. Of course life sucks, and what makes it even worse, is that my usually understanding husband can't seem to grasp the idea of why I am so PISSED off. Don't sweat the small stuff he says... Really?! It's not small stuff when you have three babies who go through several outfits, bibs, pjs, towels, face cloths and an occasional sheet a day. Ahhhh, you've gotta love men. So clueless sometimes. (By the way, don't buy a Whirlpool!)

On a positive note, Thanksgiving was really fun (and exhausting). The triplets were like little celebs being toted from house to house -- and when they weren't on the road  making appearances,  people were flocking to Ken's parents house to meet them. They were so good too. They never minded being picked up, hugged and kissed by strangers, and the best part, they always reached for Ken and I afterward. They really were pretty great. Just one of the things I am so thankful for this holiday season -- the amazing transition they've made.

I'm also incredibly thankful for....
Finally being a mom to not one, not two, but three amazing kiddos.
My amazing husband.
My loving and supportive family and friends.
And I'm especially thankful for their birth family. Without the selflessness and love of their birth mother -- who made a plan for them the moment they were born -- not only wouldn't they be here with us, they might not be alive.

She made that plan on the day they were born...  and I am so grateful and honored we were chosen to be apart of it.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Catching My Breath

Some days just seem to slip by. I wake up with the best intentions of doing all kinds of things like updating this blog, writing an article I promised to do, send out adoption announcements, go to yoga… but no matter how much time there is - there never seems to be quite enough.

I guess that’s what happens when you have three kiddos.

You know the saying… “Being a mom is the hardest job you’ll ever have” – and it’s so damn true. Holy **** – this stuff is hard. Rewarding and amazing – YES – but really hard. And honestly, this mom thing should come with a hefty salary!

Fortunately for all of us, we have a pretty solid routine. The three of them sleep through the night (I’m talking 12 hours) and they take two naps a day. The nap thing is so nice – and just enough time to fold some laundry and take a shower. I am never taking for granted again the joys of taking a long, hot shower. It’s a rarity with three 1-year-olds. And forget about blowing out my hair. Please people. That maybe happens once a week, which brings me to my new mom hair. It’s called a pony tail with one of those thin black elastic headbands that I usually reserve for working out. And my favorite new outfit – Lululemon yoga pants and whatever clean shirt I can find. Thank GOD for Lululemon. Their pants are not only comfortable, but they also make your ass look its best possible self. (Just be warned, they are quite pricey, so check out their sale stuff online or at an outlet.)

But despite my new “mom” hair style, the 7-day yoga pant regimen, and occasional bags under my eyes (I desperately need a facial, a haircut and some highlights to cover protruding grays) – this whole mom thing is pretty special. Like my husband says, when you pick them up and they wrap their chubby arms around your neck and squeeze you with their little legs, it makes it all worth it. Worth all the craziness, the three of them screaming at the same time, the non-stop loads of laundry and lack of adult time. It really is all worth it – especially when they are sound asleep upstairs, healthy and happy, and we get to have a glass of wine or two… and just for a moment … catch our breath.