Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Addressing the Negativity
I’ve had this blog for nearly two years – and in that time – I have never received a negative comment. Well, that was until yesterday when an “anonymous” commenter (anonymous of course because they didn’t have the spine to identify themselves) left this:
"I think the kids look unhappy because you purchased them and they have a legitimate reason for being unhappy"
Needless to say, I don’t find this comment surprising, but I do find it infuriating on so many levels.
First of all, this person has no idea what our story is. About how we came to be a family. About the heartbreaking circumstances surrounding their relinquishment. They know absolutely nothing. Yet, they feel like they can just throw out that comment… anonymously of course.
I was having a conversation with my husband about it last night – and he said something that put it all in perspective for me. “We do not live in a perfect world.”
If we did – there would be no need for adoption because birth families would have everything they need to raise their children. They would have access to good health care and plenty of food and clean water – and the phrases poverty and food insecurity wouldn’t exist in our vocabulary. If this was a perfect world – there wouldn’t be an estimated 153 million orphans worldwide.
If this was a perfect world, my children would still be living with their birth mother and siblings in Ethiopia. Their birth father would still be alive and they would be thriving in their small village.
Unfortunately…. this is NOT a perfect world. It’s pretty $%*&@# up – and all we can do is our best to live the lives we were meant to. In our case, it’s raising these three amazing children to be the best possible human beings they can be. To give them every opportunity in the world to be happy and successful. To instill in them respect for themselves and others, to have faith, to love their family and friends and to embrace all cultures as well as their own.
When it all comes down to it… adoption… just like the world we live is absolutely not perfect.
But when it’s done right and ethically, and you’re able to make a personal connection with the birth family, and everyone is on the same page – there really is nothing more amazing or beautiful than adoption.
Trust me. I live it every day.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Have you ever tried to get three 1-year-olds to smile and look like they're having fun all at once? Well, in my experience, it's been nearly impossible. All I want is one, just one, good picture for a holiday card. I tried them by themselves... and then all together. Granted, the first time it was snowing, and my little guy Attie screamed the whole time. (I think the snow scared him!) And my other two were fine... although they had their serious faces on the whole time. Just check out examples, a, b and c.
So, if you get a "Happy Holiday" card with two serious faces and one screaming one... you'll know it's from us.
In the meantime, how much does life suck when you have triplets and your fairly new washing machine decides to shit the bed? Actually, that's a rhetorical question. Of course life sucks, and what makes it even worse, is that my usually understanding husband can't seem to grasp the idea of why I am so PISSED off. Don't sweat the small stuff he says... Really?! It's not small stuff when you have three babies who go through several outfits, bibs, pjs, towels, face cloths and an occasional sheet a day. Ahhhh, you've gotta love men. So clueless sometimes. (By the way, don't buy a Whirlpool!)
On a positive note, Thanksgiving was really fun (and exhausting). The triplets were like little celebs being toted from house to house -- and when they weren't on the road making appearances, people were flocking to Ken's parents house to meet them. They were so good too. They never minded being picked up, hugged and kissed by strangers, and the best part, they always reached for Ken and I afterward. They really were pretty great. Just one of the things I am so thankful for this holiday season -- the amazing transition they've made.
I'm also incredibly thankful for....
Finally being a mom to not one, not two, but three amazing kiddos.
My amazing husband.
My loving and supportive family and friends.
And I'm especially thankful for their birth family. Without the selflessness and love of their birth mother -- who made a plan for them the moment they were born -- not only wouldn't they be here with us, they might not be alive.
She made that plan on the day they were born... and I am so grateful and honored we were chosen to be apart of it.
So, if you get a "Happy Holiday" card with two serious faces and one screaming one... you'll know it's from us.
In the meantime, how much does life suck when you have triplets and your fairly new washing machine decides to shit the bed? Actually, that's a rhetorical question. Of course life sucks, and what makes it even worse, is that my usually understanding husband can't seem to grasp the idea of why I am so PISSED off. Don't sweat the small stuff he says... Really?! It's not small stuff when you have three babies who go through several outfits, bibs, pjs, towels, face cloths and an occasional sheet a day. Ahhhh, you've gotta love men. So clueless sometimes. (By the way, don't buy a Whirlpool!)
On a positive note, Thanksgiving was really fun (and exhausting). The triplets were like little celebs being toted from house to house -- and when they weren't on the road making appearances, people were flocking to Ken's parents house to meet them. They were so good too. They never minded being picked up, hugged and kissed by strangers, and the best part, they always reached for Ken and I afterward. They really were pretty great. Just one of the things I am so thankful for this holiday season -- the amazing transition they've made.
I'm also incredibly thankful for....
Finally being a mom to not one, not two, but three amazing kiddos.
My amazing husband.
My loving and supportive family and friends.
And I'm especially thankful for their birth family. Without the selflessness and love of their birth mother -- who made a plan for them the moment they were born -- not only wouldn't they be here with us, they might not be alive.
She made that plan on the day they were born... and I am so grateful and honored we were chosen to be apart of it.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Catching My Breath
I guess that’s what happens when you have three kiddos.
Fortunately for all of us, we have a pretty solid routine. The three of them sleep through the night (I’m talking 12 hours) and they take two naps a day. The nap thing is so nice – and just enough time to fold some laundry and take a shower. I am never taking for granted again the joys of taking a long, hot shower. It’s a rarity with three 1-year-olds. And forget about blowing out my hair. Please people. That maybe happens once a week, which brings me to my new mom hair. It’s called a pony tail with one of those thin black elastic headbands that I usually reserve for working out. And my favorite new outfit – Lululemon yoga pants and whatever clean shirt I can find. Thank GOD for Lululemon. Their pants are not only comfortable, but they also make your ass look its best possible self. (Just be warned, they are quite pricey, so check out their sale stuff online or at an outlet.)
But despite my new “mom” hair style, the 7-day yoga
pant regimen, and occasional bags under my eyes (I desperately need a
facial, a haircut and some highlights to cover protruding grays) – this
whole mom thing is pretty special. Like my husband says, when you pick
them up and they wrap their chubby arms around your neck and squeeze you
with their little legs, it makes it all worth it. Worth all the
craziness, the three of them screaming at the same time, the non-stop
loads of laundry and lack of adult time. It really is all worth it –
especially when they are sound asleep upstairs, healthy and happy, and
we get to have a glass of wine or two… and just for a moment … catch our
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Getting Used to My New Normal
On October 6th, we carried them on a plane (with the help of their two brave aunts) and flew them to the other side of the world -- to a place completely new and utterly different. If I was them, I would've been freaking out.
There was minimal crying on the plane. I am telling you little angels. Although after 20 + hours on Ethiopian Air's new Dreamliner (which is not that dreamy!) we finally made it to Dulles Airport where they all decided to have a meltdown in the security line. Screaming bloody murder at the top of their lungs. You can't blame them. Me, Ken, Aimee (my sister) and Wendy (Ken's sister) all started to have a slight meltdown at that point as well. Sleep deprivation can do some crazy things to your body and mind. We were all laughing and crying at the same time!
Fast-forward to today - I am still sleep deprived. I haven't taken a shower since Tuesday and I barely managed to peel off my barf-soaked Red Sox shirt (thanks to Nola Grace) and jeans before crawling into bed last night.
But I wouldn't change one minute or one second of my new normal. It's everything I've been dreaming about and more. After all, who wouldn't be happy to wake up to these little face every morning.
p.s. more to come on our trip, the birth family visit and a must-have packing list for people traveling to pick up their kiddos in Ethiopia.
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Attie my wild man. (although he looks pretty tame here!) |
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Emerson my big guy! |
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Nola Grace my sweet pea. |
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Tardy Wordless Wednesday (Because that's all I have time for right now!)
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Monday, September 17, 2012
Cases Have Been Cleared!
It's official. We are heading back to Addis Ababa to pick up the triplets and bring them home! It feels so surreal - especially since we've spent years dreaming about this moment.
It's hard to believe it's finally happening!
We got the email Friday morning from the U.S. Embassy saying "Cases are cleared; request for visa interview." I honestly thought it was a mistake. I didn't think we were going to travel until mid to late October. But here we are, running around like crazy people, making travel arrangements and trying to figure out what exactly we have to pack for our babies.
I've gotten as far as LOTS of diapers, wipes, formula, snacks and of course several changes of cloths (in case of blowouts, which are probably inevitable, on the 16-hour plane ride home.)
As one mother of triplets said - who also adopted from Ethiopia - "just remember the plane ride is just one day out of your life. If the kids cry the whole time and things are insane, who cares. You'll never see those people again anyway."
That made me feel better. I also feel better because we have three fabulous women traveling with us to Addis and back. So there will be plenty of hands to hold the babies.
Like I said, I can't believe this is finally, FINALLY happening.
We are leaving as a couple next week and coming back as a family of five. Pretty damn amazing!
It's hard to believe it's finally happening!
We got the email Friday morning from the U.S. Embassy saying "Cases are cleared; request for visa interview." I honestly thought it was a mistake. I didn't think we were going to travel until mid to late October. But here we are, running around like crazy people, making travel arrangements and trying to figure out what exactly we have to pack for our babies.
I've gotten as far as LOTS of diapers, wipes, formula, snacks and of course several changes of cloths (in case of blowouts, which are probably inevitable, on the 16-hour plane ride home.)
As one mother of triplets said - who also adopted from Ethiopia - "just remember the plane ride is just one day out of your life. If the kids cry the whole time and things are insane, who cares. You'll never see those people again anyway."
That made me feel better. I also feel better because we have three fabulous women traveling with us to Addis and back. So there will be plenty of hands to hold the babies.
Like I said, I can't believe this is finally, FINALLY happening.
We are leaving as a couple next week and coming back as a family of five. Pretty damn amazing!
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Doro Wat Night in Warwick
In celebration of the triplets turning 11-months-old yesterday... I decided to whip up some authentic Ethiopian cuisine. OK, it may not be completely authentic, especially since I couldn't get my hands on ingredients like fenugreek seeds for the Berbere. But, hey all you can do is your best ... right!?
I decided to make Doro Wat , which is a spicy chicken stew, and one of the most recognized dishes in Ethiopia. The recipe calls for hard boiled eggs, but I ended up skipping those. Wasn't feeling it.
So here is my culinary masterpiece bubbling away in our wok. (Believe me it tastes better than it looks!)
And below is the final product. I served it over couscous with cranberries and chunks of mango. It was quite delicious. On the side I served an Ethiopian cucumber and tomato salad. (Again, straying a little from the original recipe, I added a little fresh basil from our herb garden.)
So with our bellies full of "almost" authentic Ethiopian food, we went to bed last night and woke up to an email this morning from the U.S. Embassy saying... "We would like to inform you the consular section completed screening for your Form I-600 petition. We will now begin the review of orphan status for the I-604, Determination on Child for Adoption."
All this very formal talk just means our paperwork is getting processed and things are moving along! Fingers crossed everything goes smoothly the rest of the way.
Maybe my next culinary challenge will be making Injera! Has anyone successfully made this spongy little delight yet?
I decided to make Doro Wat , which is a spicy chicken stew, and one of the most recognized dishes in Ethiopia. The recipe calls for hard boiled eggs, but I ended up skipping those. Wasn't feeling it.
So here is my culinary masterpiece bubbling away in our wok. (Believe me it tastes better than it looks!)
And below is the final product. I served it over couscous with cranberries and chunks of mango. It was quite delicious. On the side I served an Ethiopian cucumber and tomato salad. (Again, straying a little from the original recipe, I added a little fresh basil from our herb garden.)
So with our bellies full of "almost" authentic Ethiopian food, we went to bed last night and woke up to an email this morning from the U.S. Embassy saying... "We would like to inform you the consular section completed screening for your Form I-600 petition. We will now begin the review of orphan status for the I-604, Determination on Child for Adoption."
All this very formal talk just means our paperwork is getting processed and things are moving along! Fingers crossed everything goes smoothly the rest of the way.
Maybe my next culinary challenge will be making Injera! Has anyone successfully made this spongy little delight yet?
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
The Triplets' New Digs!
I was looking forward to a long, lazy holiday weekend - but instead what I got was hard labor. OK. Not really. But in three days we did manage to complete the triplets' room. I've had a vision of what I've wanted their room to look like for months - and it all started when I spied some birch tree decals on Etsy. I LOVE Etsy. I love it.
Then it was on to the cribs. Three massive boxes containing all kinds of parts and pieces. After lots of research I chose the Babyletto Hudson crib in white. Not exactly my dream crib, which was the Oeuf Sparrow Crib, but at $730 bucks a piece - I had to find an alternative. So the Hudson crib was the next best thing. Remember, we have to buy THREE of everything. Things get pricey fast! And honestly, I really love the look of the Babyletto. It's simple, modern and sturdy. Perfect for my three little ones.
What I didn't love was installing them on the wall. Honestly, I was scared that I was going to make a mess of them, tear them, get frustrated and abandon the whole thing. I had to give myself a pep talk - and after scanning some how-to videos on Youtube on applying decals - I was ready to go.
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Put a bird on it! |
Four-and-half-hours later, a few mishaps, and presto: The birch tree wall was done. I was thoroughly impressed with myself. Just ask my husband. I promptly rewarded myself with an ice-cold Dos Equis!
Then it was on to the cribs. Three massive boxes containing all kinds of parts and pieces. After lots of research I chose the Babyletto Hudson crib in white. Not exactly my dream crib, which was the Oeuf Sparrow Crib, but at $730 bucks a piece - I had to find an alternative. So the Hudson crib was the next best thing. Remember, we have to buy THREE of everything. Things get pricey fast! And honestly, I really love the look of the Babyletto. It's simple, modern and sturdy. Perfect for my three little ones.
And the best part... they were super easy to put together. I had all three done in under 2 hours. Again, totally impressed with myself. I was on a roll.
Saturday was a trip to IKEA. I love the idea of IKEA - but I hate actually going to the store. It's a maze you can't escape. Also, those damn Swedes make everything so difficult to put together - and I'm Swedish (a quarter Swedish that is)! On a positive note, I was inspired by some fabrics I saw there. At $6.99 a yard, I bought three different patterns and framed them in a white frame that was just $19.99. It's amazing what you can do with a glue gun. Presto: Original wall art for under $30 bucks a pop.
Fabircs: Annamoa.
We also bought a really cool light fixture. I had originally made one with balsa wood. Unfortunately, that DIY project didn't quite turn out the way I wanted it to. Seriously, working with balsa wood is a B-I-T-C-H.
The room was looking good. My vision was coming alive. But what really pulled the room together were the drapes. My one big splurge. White and gray zig zag fabulousness from Carousel Designs. (You'll also notice the bird mobiles hanging in the middle of the drapes. We found these hand-painted gems at a small store when we were in Ethiopia.) Throw in a basket from West Elm (that I waited to go on sale) and we're almost there. Just waiting for the Ryder Rocking chair, also from West Elm, to be delivered. (That was also on sale too.) Actually, they just delivered that 5 minutes ago. Here's what it looks like:
Oh. As I am writing this, my husband yelled downstairs that we got the email from the U.S. Embassy we've been waiting for saying they have are paperwork and are now processing it. It's been 4 weeks and 3 days since our court decree, so things are moving along. We are one step closer to bringing them home.
I can't wait for them to sleep in their new digs. That's when the room will really be complete!
Other items in the room:
Alexa Shag Rug on Overstock.com: OK. It's white. I know it will probably get destroyed. But it looks great now.
Crib Mattresses: L.A. Baby Organic Cotton Mattress on Amazon. (they fit perfectly in the Babyletto Hudson Crib)
Sheets: (another splurge) Giggle better basics orange stripe organic fitted sheets. (note: if you're wondering why all the organic, I once wrote an article when I was working at Fox News about "Greening Your Baby" and it convinced me to buy at least some stuff organic.)
Owl Switchplate. Hoot, Hoot Owl Swichplate at Anthropologie.
West Elm Basket. It was originally $99 and I got it for $59 dollars, although I don't think there are any left online. I would check a West Elm store.
Custom Curtain Rod: Highland Forge. They are great to work with. The price will vary depending on length and material.
Floating shelves: IKEA Lack wall shelf.
Changing table. IKEA Hemnes 3 drawer chest.
Drawer Knobs. Lisbon Knob from Anthropologie.
Wall Color: Cumulus Cloud from Benjamin Moore.
Accent Wall. Peacock Blue from Benjamin Moore. (Don't judge this color until it dries. It looks a little neon when it's wet.)
Various stuffed animals from Babies R Us and Amazon.
Custom Curtain Rod: Highland Forge. They are great to work with. The price will vary depending on length and material.
Floating shelves: IKEA Lack wall shelf.
Changing table. IKEA Hemnes 3 drawer chest.
Drawer Knobs. Lisbon Knob from Anthropologie.
Wall Color: Cumulus Cloud from Benjamin Moore.
Accent Wall. Peacock Blue from Benjamin Moore. (Don't judge this color until it dries. It looks a little neon when it's wet.)
Various stuffed animals from Babies R Us and Amazon.
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Waiting for my 3 little birds! (We bought these in Ethiopia as well) |
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Wordless Wednesday (And a shout out to all the amazing ladies who were at my baby shower!)
Closet is literally BURSTING thanks to the generosity of all my friends and family! |
Hand-knit sweaters made by Ken's Auntie Dot featuring handmade buttons from a tree in their yard. Amazing! |
Double stroller with the Joey Seat! I think I'm reserving that seat for my little girl N. (Thanks again to everyone who went in on this!) |
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Wordless Wednesday
Monday, July 23, 2012
Meeting them for the first time...
Tarmac at Bole International Airport, Addis Ababa. |
A little over a week ago, after a very long flight, we descended down the metal stairs onto the tarmac at Bole International Airport in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The first thing that hit me was the damp, drizzly air. I can’t tell you how good it felt after being cooped up in a plane for 13 hours. I took in a big breath – and drank it in. The smell was almost exotic... like the smoke of clove cigarettes hanging in the air. It was intoxicating.
We met our driver "M" outside the airport after rounding up our bags, and we were off. It takes 20 minutes from the airport to get to Horizon House – the place where our kids are staying. Just 20 minutes were standing between us and meeting and holding our kids for the first time. My heart was pounding and my mind was racing.
“I hope they are all healthy.”
“I hope they are all happy.”
“I hope they have all gained weight.”
“I hope... I hope... I hope...”
The 20 minutes flew by. It was a blur of honking horns, merging cars and fancy traffic maneuvers by our very talented driver. I told him he would fit in perfectly in New York City.
Nearing the end of the drive, we took a hard right onto a very narrow dirt alleyway. If you blinked, you would miss it. A few second later, we stopped at a huge gate surrounded by barbed wire. We had arrived.
This is the moment we had been waiting for. The driver said they were up and we could just walk right in and meet them. No fanfare. No ceremony of handing you the baby like they did with J-Lo in the movie “What to Expect When You’re Expecting.” It was just me and Ken... and all that stood between us and our kids was a door to a small room.
We threw our bags in our room and grabbed two cameras. After taking our shoes off we quietly opened the door and walked into the room. I looked to my left and saw this beautiful little girl wearing pink lying in a small crib. She had big almond eyes and A LOT of hair. I almost didn’t recognize her. She had grown so much since we first saw her in the referral photo. But it was her. I asked if I could pick her up and the Nannies said of course. Let me tell you, there’s nothing like that moment. Holding and kissing your child for the first time. Two seconds later they handed me one of the boys. The big guy. The smile on my face was so big. And then they handed Ken the other boy. All everyone could say was “Konjo” which means beautiful in Amharic.
That’s exactly what it was... beautiful.
Over the next few days, we spent as much time as possible with the three of them and quickly learned that they all have their own distinct personalities. “N” the girl, is very independent. She loves to roll around and steal toys from her brothers. “E” the big guy can be stoic, but once he gets to know and trust you, he’s all smiles. He also loves to be picked up. And then there’s “A”. He was the third one to be born. In true youngest-child fashion, he loves to make his presence know. He has an inner squeal he belts out when he wants you to notice him. It’s hilarious.
Needless to say, both Ken and I are head over heels. It’s amazing how much love you can feel for another little human being. In our case – three little ones.
We truly couldn't feel any luckier.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Wordless Wednesday
Friday, June 29, 2012
The Best Friday… Ever!
After hoping, praying and waiting… we are FINALLY… going to meet our kids! I came home after yoga and opened my email to find the subject line ‘Court Date!!!’ from one of our caseworkers.
Ken and I couldn’t be more excited and overjoyed. It’s hard to hold back the tears.
I can't believe we are going to be parents to the three most amazing little human beings.
So watch out Addis Ababa… The Pouliots are arriving on July 14th.
Now it's time to pop open the bubbly! TGIF!!!!!!!
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
The Waiting Game
It’s been more than a month since I posted anything. Honestly, I feel like I don’t have a whole lot to update you guys on right now… except that we’re in a holding pattern … which sucks.
It’s been a little over nine weeks since we got our referral of the three beauties, and since then we’ve updated some paperwork – including more FBI fingerprints as well as prints for CIS (U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services). Ken also made a bunch of flashcards so we can learn some Amharic and we also got our travel vaccines. Hep B, Hep A, Typhoid and Yellow Fever just to name a few.
Let me tell you, after being jabbed through two IVF cycles, I wasn’t afraid of the shots at all. But I must admit the Yellow Fever one is less than pleasant. I felt it in my arm muscle for days. Of course, that pain is nothing compared to the agonizing mental anguish of waiting for a court date.
And I am sure after we meet them, and hold them, and kiss their little faces – the wait for our Embassy appointment is going to feel like absolute torture.
On a positive note, this time has allowed me to reach out to a triplet mom group on Facebook, which has been pretty amazing. I have received so many warm wishes as well as advice about everything from strollers to schedules. It’s so nice to have a support system of moms out there who know the ins and outs and the everyday CHAOS of parenting triplets.
So thank you to the “Triplet’s Mommies” on FB.
Stay tuned… I can feel news of our court date coming any day now. Fingers crossed!
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
How do you prepare for TRIPLETS??!!
“How do you prepare for triplets?” That’s a question I’ve been asked many times in the past month since we got the amazing news of our referral. When I tell people – their jaws almost always drop wide open and they usually say “Oh My God. Congratulations! But, triplets – wow that’s going to be a lot of work.”
Yes, there’s no denying that fact. But I like to think of a comment that came from a friend of mine who I met at that documentary workshop in Texas (Here’s the link to my short documentary).
He’s an editor and a child psychologist. He looked at me and Ken over dinner and said, “You guys are going to be great parents – and one of the best things about having triplets is – it’s an instant play date! They will always have you and they will always each other. You will be fine. Trust me.”
I do trust him. But, seriously… how do you prepare for three little human beings who will be 12 months old and running around by the time we bring them home!!!???
In our case… we’ve been talking to a lot of experienced moms and dads, I joined a triplet mom group online (which is very informative) – and we’ve been doing a lot of research.
I’ve also been indulging myself by picking out things for their room. Cribs, and birch tree decals for the walls of the bedroom, a funky rocking chair and some handmade stuffed owl pillows from Etsy. (I love Etsy!) I haven’t bought anything yet. I am waiting until we travel for court and come home to get their room done.
(We've also been having some lengthy discussions about names!)
Needless to say, I am incredibly excited (and a little scared) – but I know with patience, help from our support system of family and friends and A LOT of love – things are going work out just fine.... right!?
Got advice for Ken and I as we get ready to become parents of three? Well, we are wide open to any suggestions. Also – for any multiple moms out there – I would love any suggestions for triple strollers (preferably ones you can power walk/jog with!)
Yes, there’s no denying that fact. But I like to think of a comment that came from a friend of mine who I met at that documentary workshop in Texas (Here’s the link to my short documentary).
He’s an editor and a child psychologist. He looked at me and Ken over dinner and said, “You guys are going to be great parents – and one of the best things about having triplets is – it’s an instant play date! They will always have you and they will always each other. You will be fine. Trust me.”
I do trust him. But, seriously… how do you prepare for three little human beings who will be 12 months old and running around by the time we bring them home!!!???
In our case… we’ve been talking to a lot of experienced moms and dads, I joined a triplet mom group online (which is very informative) – and we’ve been doing a lot of research.
I’ve also been indulging myself by picking out things for their room. Cribs, and birch tree decals for the walls of the bedroom, a funky rocking chair and some handmade stuffed owl pillows from Etsy. (I love Etsy!) I haven’t bought anything yet. I am waiting until we travel for court and come home to get their room done.
(We've also been having some lengthy discussions about names!)
Needless to say, I am incredibly excited (and a little scared) – but I know with patience, help from our support system of family and friends and A LOT of love – things are going work out just fine.... right!?
Got advice for Ken and I as we get ready to become parents of three? Well, we are wide open to any suggestions. Also – for any multiple moms out there – I would love any suggestions for triple strollers (preferably ones you can power walk/jog with!)
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
The Call That Changed Everything
A week ago Monday at 10:49 a.m. – as I was running out the door to drive Ken to the airport – THE CALL finally came from our agency.
We had been matched.
Not with one baby, not with two – but with three beautiful little peanuts. That’s right. TRIPLETS! They are almost 6-months-old and are the cutest little beings I have ever laid eyes on. Two boys and a girl from Ethiopia.
It’s overwhelming and amazing all at the same time.
It all started when I was in Texas. Our case worker sent out an email to families who were eligible for a sibling group. I remember looking over the email and forwarding it to Ken – half joking – saying “Wow, healthy 5-and-a-half month old babies – BUT Triplets! That’s a lot of work.”
He responded a few minutes later saying… “Sign me up!”
He scheduled a call with our case worker to talk about how to move forward. She told us there was significant interest from other families as well, and we should not get our hopes up because they had been waiting much longer – some of them two years. That was OK with us. If it was meant to be – it was meant to be. So we got our homestudy update and officially asked to be matched.
Honestly, with all the luck we’ve had in this crazy adoption process, we really had no expectations. None. And then wham! Fate steps in and we are the parents to three little beauties.
There’s still a long road ahead. The babies are from a region where our agency has just started to work in, so in a way, it’s almost like a pilot program. There are unknowns and travel to the region is far from easy. But we are feeling optimistic and ready for whatever life brings us.
We are hoping to bring them home before the end of the year (fingers crossed that everything goes smoothly with court and the embassy!) I have been a mad woman over the past week - running around... updating paperwork... getting things notarized, state certified and on and on -- and this is just the beginning of the journey.
Wait until we bring them home. This house that we live in now – which is pretty mellow – is going to be UPSIDE DOWN.
And... I can’t hardly wait!
We had been matched.
Not with one baby, not with two – but with three beautiful little peanuts. That’s right. TRIPLETS! They are almost 6-months-old and are the cutest little beings I have ever laid eyes on. Two boys and a girl from Ethiopia.
It’s overwhelming and amazing all at the same time.
It all started when I was in Texas. Our case worker sent out an email to families who were eligible for a sibling group. I remember looking over the email and forwarding it to Ken – half joking – saying “Wow, healthy 5-and-a-half month old babies – BUT Triplets! That’s a lot of work.”
He responded a few minutes later saying… “Sign me up!”
He scheduled a call with our case worker to talk about how to move forward. She told us there was significant interest from other families as well, and we should not get our hopes up because they had been waiting much longer – some of them two years. That was OK with us. If it was meant to be – it was meant to be. So we got our homestudy update and officially asked to be matched.
Honestly, with all the luck we’ve had in this crazy adoption process, we really had no expectations. None. And then wham! Fate steps in and we are the parents to three little beauties.
There’s still a long road ahead. The babies are from a region where our agency has just started to work in, so in a way, it’s almost like a pilot program. There are unknowns and travel to the region is far from easy. But we are feeling optimistic and ready for whatever life brings us.
We are hoping to bring them home before the end of the year (fingers crossed that everything goes smoothly with court and the embassy!) I have been a mad woman over the past week - running around... updating paperwork... getting things notarized, state certified and on and on -- and this is just the beginning of the journey.
Wait until we bring them home. This house that we live in now – which is pretty mellow – is going to be UPSIDE DOWN.
And... I can’t hardly wait!
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Two Weeks in Far West Texas
Marfa, TX
I have been home for two days now… and it feels good to be back. There’s nothing like being in your own house and sleeping in your own bed.
But, I must say – to my complete surprise – this New England girl thoroughly enjoyed West Texas. I was in the tiny town of Marfa for two weeks for a documentary workshop. And believe me, it’s not an easy place to get to. You have to fly into El Paso (with no direct flight from NYC) and then you have to jump in a car and drive three hours to this dusty, little artsy town with a population of 2,000.
Being in cowboy country in the middle of a two-week workshop does have its advantages though.
Advantage No. 1: The fact that you can drive 85 miles-per-hour with your hair flying in the desert wind without a cop in sight. I actually think the speed limit is 75 in some places and they want to raise it to 80. Perfect for a lead-foot like myself.
Advantage No. 2: Because it’s an artsy town filled with creative people, the coffee is amazing and so is the food.
Advantage No. 3: Being surrounded by the minimalist and wide open desert landscape. It really is a different kind of beauty.
Advantage No. 4: Meeting interesting -- salt of the earth people – that I would’ve never come across if it weren’t for this little town.
Advantage No. 5: Feeling inspired by all the new stuff I was learning. I actually know how to use a Canon XF305 professional video camera – and use it with confidence. For all of you in the production business (or news biz) I can white balance like a pro no matter what time of day it is, shoot at all different angles, edit in Final Cut Pro, hook up a wireless lavalier (lav) and adjust the audio until it’s just right. Being on the other side for many years as a producer, it’s empowering to know how to do all of these things! And I never shot blue video once!
Advantage No. 6: I have a completed short documentary, and as a result, feel like I can jump right in and start on my own documentary that I’ve wanted to do for almost a year now. (Once I get a link to my documentary, I will post it on my blog)
Advantage No. 7: Being completely distracted. I was so engrossed in what I was doing, I didn’t even think about the adoption, which was a welcome break. No obsessing over our wait. No fretting over if this will ever happen for us. It was truly refreshing.
Advantage No. 8: Saying you want to do something and actually doing it are two completely different things – and sometimes I find myself getting stuck in the middle. In limbo between having a goal and then really going after it and achieving it. It almost happened with this journey because I was ALMOST too much of wimp to go to a foreign place for two-weeks by myself. BUT I am so glad I did. I feel more confident not only in my professional life as a result of everything I learned, but also in my personal life.
In the meantime, while I was gone, things started to happen on the adoption front. I don’t want to say exactly what it is, because I don’t want to jinx it. I will say it could be life-changing.
Until I have more news, here are a few pictures to enjoy of Marfa.
First day of shooting. Adam Bork (the subject of the documentary) fixing one of his many vintage cars.
Putting the story together, act by act. |
The Food Shark (food truck) - run by Adam Bork and his wife Krista - was the subject of the documentary. Main street in Marfa Another view of Main St. at dusk The night of the screening. |
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